HYPECHASE works with certified and traceable fibres from Mongolia.
Partnerships with local NGOs offer the ability to know the origin and ensure its purity.
The clothes are made of four different types of rare fibres: cashmere, yak, camel, and Sartuul sheep.

Mongolian cashmere keeps the reputation to be the softest on the planet.
Ethically sourced, traceable, pure, and sustainable.

Almost as thin and soft as cashmere with other interesting properties, the yak down is amazing to wear.
Yaks are extremely rare and do not harm the environment.

The undercoat of the Mongolian camels is almost as thin as cashmere.
Our wool comes from the undercoat of camels between one and three years old.

Living in the cold north of Mongolia, this rare breed of sheep naturally grows a soft undercoat.
Mixed with normal hair, this animal produces soft and comfortable wool.