Our manufacturing processes are meant to be sustainable, durable, and ethical.
Resulting in products that are respecting the animals, the environment, and their people.
To keep the initial softness of the fibers, each centimeter of yarn is made by hand.
To accomplish the work, the spinner has to be in a constant state of meditative flow.
Resulting in a production of only 100g of yarn per day.
Baigalmaa is passionate about hand-knitting since a young age. A passion that is now her full-time occupation.
She translates our sketches into calculations before making the actual garment.
Her kindness and attentive attitude are reflected in the way each garment of this project is knitted.
Working with cashmere, yak, or baby camel is extremely difficult due to its fragility.
To keep the inner quality we manipulate everything by hand and restrain the use of chemicals.
Such manipulation keeps the spirit of nature intact in the garment.
To create complex garments, we use automatic or semi-automatic knitting machines.
A work of precision allowing infinite numbers of stitches.
Our team from Ulaanbaatar always replies within 24h on working days.
+976 9080 2104